It's a picture of my knees. Woo hoo. The yellow-stain under my left knee is cos I haven't washed my leg properly since last Wednesday, and they cover you with that weird
iodine stuff when they operate. The two dressings on my knee cover the very precise
keyhole, err, holes they made during the op, and the one on my thigh is where they put a dirty great tube to drain off the blood. I have to keep the dressings dry until they come off in 10 days, hence the no-washings.
It's not that swollen, but I'm still under strict instructions to keep it rested and iced. To be honest, if I do so much as walk up the stairs it aches loads, so it's for the best. I'm just glad it doesn't hurt like
when I injured it in the first place - that was eye-watering, can't-move-at-all pain that I'd rather not experience again. I just need to put all this rest to good use: blog waffle, laptop idiocy, and beard growth.
Labels: injury, iodine, keyhole, knee
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