It's nice, innit? Lopping stuff off trees. Snipping bits off bushes. Ripping up old fences. Digging. Having a rest and a cup of tea. Listening to Radio 4. Talking to the neighbours. Plantin' stuff. Being outside. Getting a drippy nose from the cold. Ruddy cheeks. Dirty finger nails. What's not to like?
I was only looking on the internet for a cute picture of some calves for my work and got directed to your blog, ended up spending an hour reading your jolly or should i say grumpy ramblings, thanks for that. I can tell a radio 4 listener, they always know these useless snippets of information that manage to find there way in to conversations, I know this by experience,
many thanks for my enjoyable hour. Linda
Thanks Linda! Very kind of you. Glad you enjoyed the read. I'll try not to be quite so grumpy in the future...
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