I love snow. Why does it have to leave so quick? Soft, silent fluff falling from blanket skies. Puts me in a right philosophical mood, so it does. Contemplatin' things, y'know? And then of course there's the snowfights and snowmen and snowlarkin'. It's all lovely, even the chaotic drive to work through the thick brown sludge was enjoyable - looking at all these white things wot used to be green or grey or brown, totally transformed into things of wonder and beauty.

I got so lost in thought I started hippy-thinking about why we get snow in winter. I came up with some weird theory that it's cos we don't get much light, so the snow helps us to see proper. It reflects everything and helps gets us through the long darkness. Shame we only get it for one night every two years, but there you go. Not like the old days. I'm getting like an old man in that regard: "I remember in 1983 we had snowdrifts as big as a man. Happy days."

Snow-time is the only time of year when I think that having kids of a certain age (say, 9 or 10) might be fun. They get sent home from school, so of course you have to take the day off work - and then you trek up the nearest hill and throw yourself down it on a tray or somesuch, make snowmen and then pummel your happy children with snowballs, hopefully making them cry in true competitive-Dad style. Sounds like bliss. Or maybe I have an idealised view of parenthood?
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