Monday, January 22, 2007


Back to work, what joy! What a lark! Makes you feel ecstatic to be here, hmmm?

Oh well, at least it's good to be in the land of the semi-living again. I'd actually forgotten how to hold a conversation (and, let's be honest, I had only the most tenuous grasp of that in the first place).

Achievements of the day
1. I answered / deleted / left for next week approximately 200 e-mails. Well done me.
2. I had the same conversation with approximately 15 different people. Not bad.
3. I had a cup of tea.
4. I did my exercises in one of our meeting rooms. I did get some funny looks through the window whilst doing the pelvic thrusts.
5. I walked up and down the stairs twice. I also had a staircase stand-off: I was on the inside (need the rail, you see), and this woman refused to budge. How rude.

I also got sent this rather magnificent diagram of my knee from one of my colleagues. It's actually the same as the one they use in medical textbooks. Marvellous stuff.

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